Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May there be happiness in your hearts and turkey in your bellies. :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Choices and decisions

Well, I'm not too sure my engine and transmission are savable... Then again, I'm no mechanic. However I am thinking about putting in a newer engine and transmission to make Ecto a little more reliable. It will also help me keep more fuel efficient. I was refereed to a place in Oklahoma City called Pull a Part. Prices are supposedly extremely cheap and they are supposed to have lots of selection. I will contact the company here in the next few weeks to see if they would have what I need. I might also look into getting a heavy duty alternator, one that can handle all of Ecto's equipment.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Listen. You smell something?

So I have decided how to construct the Ghost Sniffer for my roof rack. I have decided to use PVC for the red sniffer tubes and to the bottom of the sniffer box. The rest will be made of steel and wood. I was looking at some pictures and realized that the company that did the Ecto-1's restoration got the paint job wrong on the ghost sniffer. They made the whole head unit red. In the movie the only thing that was red was the sniffer tubes. Everything else was white. Both ways looks good, but Some time it makes me wonder why they didn't make it exactly the same as it looked in the first film.

Hopefully I will have some time this week to get those floors welded in before it gets too cold. I'm also looking into possibly moving my Ecto into a shop. I have to talk it over with a few people as well as look at the possible location before moving it. Regardless I need to get the floors and rocker panels on first, so that the body doesn't get damaged from shifting due to improper structure integrity.

Fred Flinstone Would be proud...

One of the biggest issues with my project car is the fact that there are nearly no floors. Some jack hole cut out the floors and let the holes rust. This also lead to some frame damage. Any way moving on, I already have a large majority of the replacement metal for the flooring. I bought it from some good friends in Canada, that also own a 1959 Cadillac Miller Meteor Futura ambulance. They measured everything and fabricated new ones for me, as well as replacement rocker panels and rear quarters as well. One I get it all in I should have a nearly complete body. Hopefully I will have some more news soon on actually getting the all of it installed.

I have also been trying to figure out the best way to tackle some of the roof rack components. I think that the first thing I want to start is the Ghost Sniffer. It is the red and white tower that kind of looks like a gun. It has always been one of my favorite components. I am also considering doing the Green Storage tube that sits on the passenger side.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

When dreams become a reality.

Ever since I can remember I have always wanted to own a Ghostbusters Ecto 1. As a child I frequently pretended that I was driving the huge ambulance around the city of New York to help my favorite heroes defeat the scourges of the supernatural with Proton Pack on my back, proton gun in hand, and my trusty ghost trap at my side.

As a child I thought, its an American car, there has to be close to an infinite number of them and I am gonna own one once I can drive. Once I began to look for the car I began to realize... Oh crap, they only made around 88 of the darn things.... Columbia Pictures / Sony owns at least 3 of them... I am never going to get one. Not unless I win the lottery or become a millionaire.

This thought brought me down.. a lot. Until one day I ran across one for a reasonable price off of a hearse and ambulance enthusiast site. I was almost unsure that I would be able to get it, but thanks to my lovely wife, I was able to obtain one of my life's major goals.

I waited for what seemed to be an eternity. Finally it arrived.. It was at that point that I thought to my self....

ghostbusterkris' ecto 1


That was about three years ago and still I have made little progress. This blogs intent is to document the restoration of the project as well as get advice and tips from people who want to help....

So here is where we begin....
