Sunday, November 21, 2010

When dreams become a reality.

Ever since I can remember I have always wanted to own a Ghostbusters Ecto 1. As a child I frequently pretended that I was driving the huge ambulance around the city of New York to help my favorite heroes defeat the scourges of the supernatural with Proton Pack on my back, proton gun in hand, and my trusty ghost trap at my side.

As a child I thought, its an American car, there has to be close to an infinite number of them and I am gonna own one once I can drive. Once I began to look for the car I began to realize... Oh crap, they only made around 88 of the darn things.... Columbia Pictures / Sony owns at least 3 of them... I am never going to get one. Not unless I win the lottery or become a millionaire.

This thought brought me down.. a lot. Until one day I ran across one for a reasonable price off of a hearse and ambulance enthusiast site. I was almost unsure that I would be able to get it, but thanks to my lovely wife, I was able to obtain one of my life's major goals.

I waited for what seemed to be an eternity. Finally it arrived.. It was at that point that I thought to my self....

ghostbusterkris' ecto 1


That was about three years ago and still I have made little progress. This blogs intent is to document the restoration of the project as well as get advice and tips from people who want to help....

So here is where we begin....


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