Monday, November 22, 2010

Listen. You smell something?

So I have decided how to construct the Ghost Sniffer for my roof rack. I have decided to use PVC for the red sniffer tubes and to the bottom of the sniffer box. The rest will be made of steel and wood. I was looking at some pictures and realized that the company that did the Ecto-1's restoration got the paint job wrong on the ghost sniffer. They made the whole head unit red. In the movie the only thing that was red was the sniffer tubes. Everything else was white. Both ways looks good, but Some time it makes me wonder why they didn't make it exactly the same as it looked in the first film.

Hopefully I will have some time this week to get those floors welded in before it gets too cold. I'm also looking into possibly moving my Ecto into a shop. I have to talk it over with a few people as well as look at the possible location before moving it. Regardless I need to get the floors and rocker panels on first, so that the body doesn't get damaged from shifting due to improper structure integrity.

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